Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Visit To The Farm

The kids and I went out to my sister's house today (they live about 15 minutes away). Lauren and Braden LOVE going out there because they get to play with their cousins and see all kinds of animals that we don't have here in the big city! (I mean, what can get better than that??) They have a new puppy and a new baby goat along with the usual goats, chickens, and dog.

Braden became a little obsessed with feeding alfalfa to the chickens! It took me quite awhile to convince him to go inside and eat lunch.

We were sent home with a huge jug of goat milk! Landon has had mild cow milk allergies since birth, so now that he is ready for "big boy" milk, we are going to try goat milk. We will see how it goes! His big brother made me promise that I will never ever try to give him any. Hehe, just give me time.

They had a blast, but I have to say I am just worn out! All that farm life takes it out of me. Now, I think it's time for me to join the kids in a nap!

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