Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Day of School

First Grade and Preschool

One of the best decisions that we made as a family over the summer was to homeschool the kids this year. We didn't come to this decision based on any negative experience or particular event, but rather we both realized one day that we were missing out on something very important that we should be doing as parents. I recall telling Bruce within the last year that if I ever thought about homeschooling he should slap me! So, obviously it has not been an easy decision. I know that it will require so much of me, but I think I am up for the challenge!

The first day (yesterday) went really well. One of my greatest fears was that we would be sitting around the house staring at each other and I would desperately be trying to find something for the kids to do. I knew I had to have a plan, so I have spent the past few months ordering curriculum and making lesson plans. Yesterday flew by, and we didn't even get it all done! The day was filled with math, reading, language arts, science, latin, and music. I have a wonderful art program that I can't wait to start, but we ran out of time. Braden loved being in on the big kid stuff and Landon played with refrigerator magnets and talked to us most of the morning.

I feel so blessed to have a supportive husband and the opportunity to make the most of every moment that I have with my children during this brief season!

On a different note, look at the cute baby with his dumptruck!!!! I just can't get enough of him.

Every time he gets his hands in water (bathtub, or in this case, baby pool) he "washes his hair". It is too cute! I love this new style he has. Hmmm, maybe it's time for that first haircut!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I hadn't even read your post yet! I am so glad for you and your decision!! I was totally talking about my boys...Some people preach it about homeschooling being the "right" way for Christian families, and I have a friend who has felt the heat from that...but I firmly believe it depends on the family and kids! You will be perfect at it! :)
